A main element of a great private label SEO is its innate ability to let you take over. As an Seo reseller, you are quite literally in the driver’s seat. The private label SEO lets you charge whatever fees you feel are fair for services … and those fees can change from client to client, depending on the complexity of the SEO plan and the amount you are expecting to gain from helping each particular client with SEO … and it allows you to set your own ground rules for how communication will be executed.
Because you are in charge, the private label SEO is not automatically your subordinate but rather a third party that does the hard-core work and lets you get credit for this work. Of course, you can let your clients in on the fact that you and your business are not the ones creating the SEO plan or implementing it. But why would you want to ruin it? It is not hurting anyone to keep this knowledge to yourself.
If a client has a specific question about SEO, you can say you will get back to him in a specified timeframe and then can ask someone at the private label SEO the same question. It is not lying but rather withholding information … information that truly is not that important to begin with. Who cares who is actually implementing and analyzing SEO when it works? When it stops working is when you may get questions, but that likely will never come to fruition unless you are a reseller for a poorly run SEO firm … and by the time anyone comes to you with a question you will probably already have one foot out the door anyway.
Aside from keeping the knowledge that you are not the SEO provider under wraps, you can have more freedom when working alongside a private label SEO. The private label seo will never look at how you are selling SEO or make you sell it in one particular way or the other. The company only cares about getting clients, and you only care about making those clients happy.
What is more beneficial than this level of freedom, both financially and time-wise? Nothing, it would seem. So if your business could stand some more profits and you know enough about SEO to know that it is extremely useful, begin looking into private label SEO firms today.